Wednesday, June 09, 2010
DataObject method accessible with instance and without
Below explains how to create a single chunk of method logic in a class that is accessible from both an instance of that class and without any instance of the class.
1. Create some data object class, perhaps called Theme.
2. Create method to copy from Model into both instance and static
1. Create some data object class, perhaps called Theme.
2. Create method to copy from Model into both instance and static
private static Theme toStatic(Model.Theme fromModel)3. Create methods to preform the function both in an instance and without/statically.
Theme theme = new Theme();
theme.ID = fromModel.ID;
return theme
private Theme toInstance(Model.Theme fromModel)
this.ID = fromModel.ID;
return null;
public static Theme Get(int id)4. create delegate to call ToStatic or ToInstance
return toStatic(WebService.GetTheme(id));
public Theme(int id)
private delegate Theme staticOrInstance(Model.Theme theme);5. create method to preform the get action once
private static Theme Get(staticOrInstance statOrInst, int id)6. change methods above to use delegate to send to single Get
{ return statOrInst(WebService.GetTheme(id)); }
public static Theme Get(int id)7. This allows the dataobject to be used as.
return Get(toStatic, id);
public Theme(int id)
Get(toInstance, id);
string name = Theme.Get(4).Name;to use the same underlying code.
Theme newTheme = new Theme(4);
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